A suggestion for T.I.'s next album cover and title
When T.I. drops his next album, he should pick it up off the floor and call it "42."
How in the world would I come up with such an abstract suggestion for "The Jay-Z of the South"? Credit the Metropolitan Transportation Authority yet again for being my muse.
One day a couple of months ago, while taking the subway in Midtown, I lost track of where I was and could only see part of a tile on the subway wall an inch or two beyond the top of the window:
The first thing that registered in my brain was "T.L." (lowercase T, curvy, modern L).
It took a couple of seconds to figure out I was at the 42nd Street stop.
Then it took a few more seconds to realize that if there were ever a group called "T.L.," that'd make for a cool album cover.
A few days passed before I realized that T.I. could tweak that image to suit his needs.
Pow! Now he can take advantage of merchandising opportunities, selling jerseys with the 42/T.I. logo on them.
You're welcome, Clifford Joseph Harris Jr.!
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